We invite all BScN faculty, BScN students, community partners and alumni to submit an abstract to present in an oral or poster presentation.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 31st, 2019.
The criteria for abstracts submission and instructions for authors include:
abstract should include the following sections: Title, author(s), presenter(s)
and a description (maximum of 250 words) of the background, methodology,
findings and impact/conclusions. Presented work is expected to follow
a scholarly and methodological process (please refer to this presentation for
more information http://casn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/3OverviewofBoyersModelSA.pdf).
Formats include:
- Oral presentation:
A1. 25 minutes (20 minutes presentation + 5 min
Q&A): for completed work
A2. 10 minutes (7 minutes presentation + 3 min Q&A): for project
proposals, presentation of a paper, or work in progress
- Poster presentation (posters will be set up during breaks for discussion between authors and participants)
In the interest of providing a diversity of perspectives, the abstract review
committee will accept a maximum of 1 abstract per author as presenter. Should
abstracts be submitted by the same
author, different presenter(s) will be required for each subsequent
Responses will be sent out April 23rd at the latest. Authors will be requested to confirm attendance at the conference to present their work within a week of receiving the acceptance.
Further information and our submission link can be found on http://synapseslc.ca/
For any questions or further information, please contact Julie Dyke at jdyke@sl.on.ca
We look forward to receiving your submissions and your participation in our conference!