Category: Past Conferences
Keynote Speaker- Dr. Patricia Bradley @ Synapse 2016
Dr. Patricia Bradley has extensive teaching experience in Canada and the United States. She has taught in universities, colleges, and healthcare settings. Pat is currently an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Internationally Educated Nurses BScN Program and RN to MScN Program in the School of Nursing at York University. Pat teaches in the graduate and undergraduate programs in the School of Nursing and the Health Leadership and Learning Network (HLLN) in the Faculty of Health at York University. She has developed and delivered nursing and interprofessinoal workshops on best practices in education to healthcare educators/providers. Pat co-developed and co-teaches the three Nurse Educator Certificate Modules for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.
She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Community Nursing at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, a Master’s in Education with a focus on curriculum at St. Michael’s College in Vermont, USA, a Master’s of Science in Nursing at Russell Sage College in Troy, New York, USA, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing from the University of San Diego, USA. She maintains her certification in nursing education from the National League for Nursing. She was the recipient of the President’s University-Wide Teaching Award in 2012, and in 2011 she was the recipient of both a teaching innovation award from the Council of Ontario University Programs of Nursing (COUPN) and the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Excellence in Nursing Education Award. She is actively involved nationally and internationally in the transition of internationally educated nurses into the healthcare workplace. Pat’s recent research has focused on the experience and intervention initiatives to assist internationally educated nurses’ transition into the healthcare setting. She is committed to ensuring students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide safe and quality nursing care.
Welcome to Synapse 2016
On behalf of the planning committee, we would like to invite you to join us for the third annual BScN Tri-campus Symposium on May 17th, 2016 at St Lawrence College, in Brockville.
“Partners in Scholarship” is our theme this year. Building on the momentum from previous years, we will continue to engage faculty and students across our three campuses. This year for the first time, we are reaching out and inviting our community partners to participate. We believe this will provide unique opportunities for sharing ideas around scholarship, as well as enhancement of networking and community collaboration opportunities.
This conference will include a prominent keynote speaker and a diverse range of oral and poster abstract presentations, in order to enhance participants’ personal and professional development.
In addition, we trust that you will enjoy visiting our Brockville campus and have a chance to view the Marianne van Silfhout art gallery during the conference breaks.
We encourage you to stay up to date by visiting the Synapse website for regular updates.
We look forward to welcoming you all to Synapse 2016 and we hope you will find it to be both a rewarding and enjoyable experience!
Renee Berquist and Denise Kall
Co-chairs, Synapse Planning Committee 2016

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1A – Patient safety in RPN Education: Preliminary perceptions of newly registered RPNs in Ontario
10:05–10:25AM—Davies Hall
Authors: Nancy Sears RN PhD, Elizabeth G. VanDen Kerkhof RN DrPH, Dana Edge RN PhD, Deborah Tregunno RN PhD, Liane Ginsburg Phd, Meg Carley BSc
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
1B – “Pleasure to Work With”: Subjectivity in Clinical Evaluation
10:25–10:45AM—Davies Hall
Authors: Leann Armstrong RN, BA, MHS, MN
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
1C – Viability of Bacteria on Hospital Curtains
10:05–10:25AM—Fireside Room
Authors: Curtis Gray (BScN Year 3), Carlene Lott (Technologist, Health Sciences), Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Dr. Maha Othman
1D – View It, Then Capture It: A Histology Atlas for Better Understanding and Learning
10:25–10:45AM—Davies Hall
Authors: Jennifer Hutchinson (BScN Year 3), Hilary Hough (Graphic design Year 3), Dr. Hisham S. Elbatarny (MB BCh MSc MD)
Session chair: Dr. Maha Othman
2A – Through the Looking Glass (and what we found there): Using Action Research Methodology in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
11:30–11:50AM—Davies Hall
Authors: Nicola Eynon-Brown, BNSc, RN, MN, NP-P, Donna Clarke-McMullen, BScN, RN, MN, Margaret Wheeler, BScN, RN, Med, Daniella Empey (BScN Year 4), Kaitlyn Montgomery, (BScN Year 4), Chelsea Flaro, (BScN Year 3)
Session chair: Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown
2B – BScN Undergraduate Performance and NCLEX-RN Outcome Study: The Odyssey Begins
11:50AM–12:10PM—Davies Hall
Authors: Nancy Sears RN PhD, Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown
2C – Evaluating the Effect of Sildenafil (Viagra) on Blood Coagulation
11:30–11:50AM—Fireside Room
Authors: Jennifer Hutchinson (BScN Year 3), Rayana Lal MSc, Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Andre Carrier(BScN year 2)
2D – Name Badges as a Source of Nosocomial Infection
11:50AM–12:10PM—Fireside Room
Authors: Matthew Di Staulo (BScN Year 3), Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Andre Carrier(BScN year 2)
3A – Evaluation of the Outcomes of an Undergraduate Elective Research Course
2–2:20PM—Davies Hall
Authors: Valerie Sawyer (BScN Year 2), Calvin Kerr (BScN Year 1), Wilma Hopman (MSc; biostatistician), Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
3B – Is Scholarship Working for Us? Development and Use of a Self-Assessment Tool and Decision Informing Guide
2:20–2:40PM—Davies Hall
Authors: Nancy Sears RN PhD, Hisham Elbatarny MB BCh MSc MD, Jamie Morris-Pocock PhD
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
3C – Community Clinical Placement in College Setting Yields Policy Development and Student Empowerment
2–2:20PM—Fireside Room
Authors: Denise Kall RN BN MPH, Victoria Horton BScN year 3, Vanessa Solow (BScN year 3), Hope Wilson (BScN Year 3)
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
3D – Increasing Public Health Nursing placement Capacity Using an Innovative Academic Liaison Model
2:20–2:40PM—Fireside Room
Authors: Julie C. Dyke RN, BScN, MScN, Colleen Batista RN BScN MN PIDP, André Carrière MHA (BScN Year 3), Sandra Labelle RN BScN, Karen Roundpoint RN BScN
Session chair: Professor Julie Dyke
4A – Quality of Care: Auditing KGH ACP Documentation
3:20–3:40PM—Davies Hall
Authors: Jessica Rice (BScN Year 3), Carrie Shorey ELS, Dr. Roy Ilan MD, Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Gil Pankhurst (BScN year 3)
4B – Omnicell and the Efficiency and Safety in Medication Administration
3:40–4PM—Davies Hall
Authors: Omnicell and the Efficiency and Safety in Medication Administration
Session chair: Gil Pankhurst (BScN year 3)
4C – Parents; Perceptions of Their Experiences of Presence During the Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation of Their Child: An Interpretive Phenomenological Research Proposal
3:20–3:40PM—Fireside Room
Authors: Jocelin Hughes RN
Session chair: Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown
4D – Patient Perspectives on Wait Times at an Urgent Care Centre
3:40–4PM—Fireside Room
Authors: Serenah Pettigrew (BScN Year 2), Carol McIntosh RN, Dr. Maha Othman MD MSc PhD
Session chair: Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown

- Professor Julie Dyke (chair)
- Professor Renee Berquist (internal)
- Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown (internal)
- Elizabeth Rodrigue (BScN Student)
- Dr. Maha Othman (internal)
- Dr. Nancy Sears (External; BScN)
- Ms Sarah Matthews (External, non-BScN)

Planning committee
Dr. Maha Othman (chair)
Professor Renee Berquist
Professor Julie Dyke
Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown
Professor Diane Dowling
Dr. Mae Squires
Student planning team:
Andre Carriere (team leader)
Elizabeth Rodrigue
Rebecca Wainwright
Yessica Rivera Belsham
Abstract review subcommittee:
Professor Julie Dyke (chair)
Professor Renee Berquist (internal)
Professor Nicola Eynon-Brown (internal)
Elizabeth Rodrigue (BScN Student)
Dr. Maha Othman (internal)
Dr. Nancy Sears (External; BScN)
Ms Sarah Matthews (External, non-BScN)